Posted on May 13, 2010

“Don’t Stop Believin”

You can tell that it’s finals week on campus; all the Starbucks on campus are crazy full, the library is packed and residences are gearing up to move home. Having gone through finals week many times before (9 times to be exact) I have learned some tricks that I feel are worth sharing;

1. Do not wait until the last minute to study.
* No need to add more stress to this week. Study little by little a few weeks before the final and you should do fine.

2. Relax, it’s just one part of your grade.
* Most final exams are worth about 20% of your overall grade. That is still a large portion of your grade so take it seriously and try your best. But remember, if you’ve been doing well all semester then you should do fine on this exam.

3. Do not study with your friends.
* Trust me, you usually don’t end up studying :] Study groups are a great way to get last minute questions out of the way, but I recommend not making this the only source of studying you do. Something I found that works well is reviewing notes before going into the study group session. It makes it easier on you and you won’t leave more confused than when you started!

4. Sleep well the night before.
* Just like for every other test, to perform well you need to be well rested and have a good meal before hand. Making a last minute “to-do lists” will help put your mind at ease so you can sleep well the night before.

5. Keep a look out for free tutoring sessions taking place on campus.
* USF offers free tutoring services for students in the
library year round for most subjects.

6. Try the Marshall Student Center as an alternative to the library.
* This semester the library changed it’s hours to 24/5 Sunday-Thursday. It’s a great place to study that is open late, but the Marshall Student Center is open for finals week until 3AM! Check out this link to see some of the events available this semester in the
Marshall Student Center

7. Take a study break!
* Believe it or not you do need a break! The best type of break I’ve found that helps me refocus is taking a walk outside. MLK Plaza is a nice area to walk around and sit by the fountain.

8. Arrive on time for the exam.
* Nothing makes a test harder then when you feel rushed and frantic. Coming into the testing area with plenty of time to regroup and breathe will make your testing experience much better.

9. Don’t pay attention to others taking the test.
* During the test worry about yourself. When others finish early don’t speed up. Focus on what you’re doing and you’ll be fine! Don’t let others or time stress you out!

10. After the exam, breathe; it’s over!
* Try not to think “what if” or guess how many you got wrong. This will drive you insane, and chances are you did better than you thought! Just relax and start enjoying your break :]


  • “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”
                – Benjamin Franklin

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