This is the time of year when recent high school graduates begin preparing to launch their collegiate careers. I know this can be an exciting time, filled with anticipation, and probably some anxiety so I have a few tips that made my transition into college a little smoother.
(1) Get organized! There will be many things happening upon your arrival to campus: new home, new teachers, new activities, and yes, new study needs. It’s important to have a strategy to make sure you keep up with all upcoming tasks and assignments. A big difference between high school and college is how much is left up to the student when it comes to reading assignments, and how little reminder is given when projects are due. Each student organizes differently so devote some time prior to your arrival making sure you have all the tools you need. When I was a freshman (dark ages), I relied on different colored notebooks, binders, and pens to remain on task, but there are some neat gadgets now if you’re so inclined.
(2) Meet your professors! Our faculty are here to be resources for your success. When you get your syllabus on the first day, there will be office hours listed; I encourage you to make use of this time to go in and introduce yourself. This, coupled with active in-class participation, helps you to develop as a student, and should make you feel more comfortable approaching your teachers should you need assistance. Professors are also great sources for future letters of recommendation and research partners depending on your field of study.
(3) Jump in with both feet! Your college experience is going to depend almost entirely on what you put into it, and by selecting the University of South Florida, you’ve set yourself up to have a great time. There are many options when it comes to joining organizations, and I’d suggest looking for at least one activity that’s different from your normal interests. College is a great time to learn new things about yourself so step outside of your comfort zone. Even if you discover something you don’t enjoy, you’ll have gained a new experience, some new insight, and hopefully, have met some cool new people. Through it all remember, the learning you do outside the classroom can only enhance the learning you do inside so take advantage of everthing this University has to offer.