Summer at USF
My first thought was “How weird is it to be taking a class during the summer?” Really it’s not that weird at all. Sure the classes are a little longer and its quite a bit hotter outside then I remember from my other semesters, but it’s not bad at all. I am taking one class, which gives me tons of time to focus on it and make sure I get a good grade. Plus, I have more time for work and friends now.
I am taking the first of my major classes Intro to Advertising! Taking this one class this summer has helped me really focus on this subject. I do not have to balance four other classes as distractions. Its really enjoyable to only have to worry about one class and know that you have the time to do everything you need to get an A in it.
Sure it would’ve been great to completely have a summer free from school but in between work and play, I can be responsible and get a good jump on some classes that I need to take. My favorite thing about summer classes is how much quicker they get out. I can choose to take either 6 or 10 weeks of classes and then I am done! The rest of the summer is mine from then on out!